Official partnership with international cloud services


More than 18 years of professional experience


Served over 2,000 local and overseas corporates

Microfusion is your companion of making your corporate the future’s champion

Microfusion has one of the most comprehensive portfolios of cloud solutions, we are partners of Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, and Azure. We strive to help you find the right cloud solution as you build digital transformations for your businesses.

We provide customized one-stop solutions and cloud integration strategies with specialization in Big data analysis, AI-driven applications, corporate mailbox and collaboration to help you make better decisions.

Microfusion is undoubtedly your first choice for corporate digital transformation, leading you to the China market and expanding your business in the world.

google cloud 菁英合作夥伴
google workspace logo
Anthos logo 跨雲管理平台
alibaba cloud logo 阿里雲 logo
azure logo
tencent cloud logo

Professional cloud services to boost up your operational efficiency

Proven with more than 10 years of experience in the industry and over 1000 official professional certifications, Microfusion is highly recognized by the official partners and clients.

Trusted by global companies, Microfusion has helped over 2,000 enterprises to implement cloud applications, including cloud migration, cloud managed services, automated management, and so on.

宏庭科技 雲端服務專家
Cloud Managed Services

Manage the IT infrastructure for enterprises to lower their operational costs and risks.

Cloud Migration

Offer all-around evaluation on the demand of migration for executing cloud solutions plan.

Billing Services

Provide transparent billings and inquiring services. Full picture of the utilization of the cloud solutions.

宏庭科技 雲端服務專家
Solution Implementation

Complete and optimize testing, PoC, and structure design and map out the IT infrastructure.

Google Cloud Microfusion 宏庭科技

Provide customized skills and techniques training courses by officially certified solutions architects.

Advice on infrastructure

Advise on the optimization of cloud infrastructure from the foundation to the backup and the high availability.

Cost Optimization

Recommend methods for cost optimization for the corporate to run in longer terms.

宏庭科技 雲端服務專家
Strategy on information security

Provide plans for DDoS protection and network layer 3, 4, and 7 protection for unbreakable information security.